Tuesday 4 June 2013

4 Ways To Clear Your Reading List

Four Ways To Clear Your Reading List

If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve bought at least a few books that have ended up just collecting dust on a shelf or table in your house.

Here are a few simple ways to clear your reading list:

1. Donate the clutter. Take a look at the information you’ve collected. If you’ve accumulated a lot of books, chances are some of them may no longer be relevant to your life. Consider donating them to a local library or friends.

2. Chunk it down. A lot of the reason we don’t read, is because our day-to-day obligations make reading an entire book seem like too much. But if you break it down, it’s not bad at all.

Try looking at how many pages a book has, deciding how soon you want to finish, and dividing the page count by that number of days to see how many pages per day you need to reach.

3. Switch to audio. If you can get audio versions of your books, you can listen to them while in your car, taking a walk, at the gym, cooking dinner, ANYWHERE.

This makes it a lot easier to squeeze “reading” in.

4. Establish an in-out policy. This is more or less to PREVENT a mile-long reading list from happening.

Decide that for every book you want to buy or borrow, you must finish one you already have first.

This keeps the clutter down, motivates you to learn from what you already have, and also saves money and frustration in the long run when you don’t waste it on something you’ll never finish.

Even better, add an extra layer to this rule by telling yourself you can’t move onto another book until you’ve implemented what you’ve learned from the others.


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